Amalaka, Ataroosha, Bhishagmata, Kantheerari, Kosanotpatana, Mtrishinhee, Mrigendrani, Panchamukhi, Raktapittaghni, Ramaroopaka, Sinhamuhi, Sinhanana, Shinhaparni, Sinhasya, Sinhee, Sinhee, Sinhika Vaidymata, Vaji, Vajidanta, vasaka, Vasika, Vrisha.
Kannada - Adusoge, Adasala
Hindi - Adalsa, Adulaso
Bengali - Basaka, Vasaka
Gujarathi - Aduso, Ardusi
Marathi - Adula, Adulsi, Vasaka
Malayalam - Attalotakam, Adalodakam
Tamil - Adodadi, Kattumurangai
Telgu - Adasaramu, Atarushamu
English - Malabar nut
It is useful in treatmnet of Kshaya, Chardi, Kusta, Kwara, Trishna and Visha.
Expectorant, Antispasmodic, Alternative, Blood -purifier and tonic.
It is a common remedy for cough. It is used as a decoction or syrup or as lehyam with Harithaki, Pippali, Sunthi, Sugar, Honey etc., in all lung complaints (Vasavalehya). Where the drugs has to be preserved for a long time. Vasarishtam may be used. In anemia with haemorrhages (Rakthapitha) from any part of the body, it is know as a specific remedy. In all fever decoctions, specially when Kapha and Pitta are involved. Vasa is given in combination with other drugs. For immediate expectoration in children and spasmodic attack of astma a large use of fresh juice gives immediate relief which may be followed up by other preparations of this drug
1/4 to 1/2 oz of the swarasam with honey or a larger dose if emetic action is desired.
As a decction of the lea or root given in dose of 1/2 to 2 oz with or without honey.